Thursday, September 3, 2009

There’s another day outside my window and, I must tell, it looks horrible from here: when you have too much fun at night the morning can’t be too bright...or something like that...right?

Anyway, even the Sun can’t make it up for the infamous “one too many” so I turned to music, to soothe my brain.

In the long run they say music therapy can work miracles: well, try to put something on to ease the hammering in your skull and, beacause you are too dumb to admit it, the shuffle goes straight to Rammstein, like your pc has some sort of hidden agenda against you “you left me on for a week you bastard! take this you hangover sonofawhore!”

And bang! Your headache multiplies!

Just one intro of a song can turn your day around.

Mine was turned into shit. Not that I don’t like Rammstein, it just wasn’t the right time...

I’m not here to talk about that, though.

I’m here because this morning I’ve witnessed something that stuck with me, even if I was still in that fase of the sleeping process when everything mixes up, dream and reality, and you can’t tell them apart so either you discard them or you obsess over it for a day.

Long story short, anyway: somebody was trying to play a prank on me while I was asleep (cowards), a prank so bold that involved reaching me through my window from the outside.

Some seriously elaborate prank.

The thing that made me stay still though, instead of rushing to the window and probably stumble over on my way there, missing my chance to yell “I’ve seen you! I know you! getouttahere!”, was that the two of them were not arguing over whether to do it or not, they were deciding WHAT to do.

What the fuck does that mean?

They were just passing by and suddenly one of them alted and said “hey! I gotta a fever! and the only prescription is to do a prank to the one sleeping behind this window!” and the other one went “all right!....what do we do?” ?

I’ve done some stupid prank in my life, mostly harmless, some not so much BUT I always had in mind what to do before setting of to actually do it: usually I just did what I was planning to do to the first person nearby.

That’s how it works, right?

You hang a bucket full of something, maybe not acid, over the door and wait for the FIRST one to enter: the thrill is also in the possibility that the person who’s going to walk through that door is going to walk all over your sorry ass afterwards.

Anyway, I was lying there in bed, hearing these two deuches going “hey, I got it, we throw shit in and run!” - “Nah...too obvious, I want something better!” - “ are right! Something really really nasty!”.

I know I already said it but, again: what the fuck? “Something really really nasty”??

Come on! For real??

I started wondering then: why are these guys so angry with me they reckon throwing dog shit in my bedroom is not nasty enough??

Do I actually have enemies? Like in tv series and movies? What did I do to deserve those kind of idiots for enemies?

Some dictator, maybe that little prick of Mussolini, said “many enemies, much honor”, or something like that: well, I don’t know you guys but, if it helps from having people throwing shit inside my house, I would gladly choose to be friends with everybody, even deuchebags, BUT I would still go out there and make ‘em eat that shit (in a friendly fashion) if they decide to do it anyway.

Or maybe at night it’s just wise to keep my dear window closed, to keep the two worlds separate.

When dream and reality collide weird shit can happen, especially in your head, but that's normal...unless you push your luck and you leave your ass exposed for some cretins to mess around with you when you can do jack about it...


I guess that's it for today, i'm too miserable right now to think straight so I'll see you some other time from my window.

Long Live the Solar Federation (until we are all eaten by Andromeda, that is...).

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