Friday, September 17, 2010

Sarkozy and Berlusconi vs. The World

The Roma are still the hot topic in Europe: EU commissioner Vivienne Reding's statement about French policy being very similar to the Nazis' deportations made most of the EU leaders go "woohohoho!...c'mon! that's uncalled for! The Nazis? Seriously? We don't use the "n" word any more! Not after the mess with Silvio and the german dude...".
Sarkozy misunderstood politeness for something else and went "SEE??!! Barroso you can suck it! Even Angela is with me and she's going to do the same in Germany next month!".
At this point Angela Merkel said "Erm...WHAT?? Who told you that?"
S: "I thought it was implied...oui?"
M: "You are dreaming, Nicky!"
At this point Berlusconi, rushing out of the bathroom, fastening his belt, shouted "I agree with Nicolas! And whoever doesn't is a stinky communist!"
At this point Barroso jumped up from his chair and said "Who the Hell invited Berlusconi again??!! You know how it goes every time we invite him over: we spend the following six months on damage control!"
Berlusconi: "Barroso, you are just envious of my friendship with Nicolas...if you weren't such a moronic communist I would have invited you to hang out with us after the meeting..."
At that point a video call came in and it was David Cameron "Wazzuuuuuu....!!"
S.+Berl. "Waazzuuuu..."
C. "...uuuuuuuuu...."
S.+Berl, "...uuuuuu...."
C. "....uuuuuppp! Are you guys going out tonight? If I leave London now I can make it right on time to the club..."
Berlusconi "You bet! But if you come late, hookers are on you!"
Merkel "Guys! Can we talk about the Roma issue?..."
Obviously, nobody pays attention to her, being a woman.
Cameron "Not so loud, Silvio! My wife is in the other room with my Florence...and we should at least pretend we care about the Roma, you know? We are on tv..."
Sarkozy "Fuck the Roma, let's go to the pub, and no, you can't come are a party pooper!"
Berlusconi "We are on Tv??!! And they are not mine?...this is outrageous! A personal attack!"

The meeting obviously went on, with some Balcanic leader saying something, but Berlusconi at that moment was telling a dirty joke that he learnt from Gheddafi and nobody could hear anything else in a two miles radius and all the cameras stopped working for some reason...

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