Sunday, November 29, 2009

going home

So, this is my last post from Asia and i'm writing it in english so all the great people who made this trip possible can comment.
First: diarrhea is like taxes when you travel, someone might say, for it will come, sooner or later.
I had the luck to get attacked by the vicious disease in Bangkok the day before my flight back to Italy, where I could benefit of a clean and private bathroom in my hotel room.
My concern is the airplane experience.
Will I stink up the all plane and force the captain to emergency land and throw me out, like someone suggested me?
Thanks for giving me that new paranoia, by the way...
As usual I ended up talking about shit...
Second: I was walking around looking for souvenirs and gifts in Kao San Road (where the morning is an experience of smells that remind you how drunk everyone was the night before) and i realized that it would be a waste of time.
The same crapy bracelets, dishes and whatnot are easily found all around the world for, pretty much, the same money.
My logical conclusion is this, then: fuck souvenirs and gifts from Kao San Road.
I'm gonna stick with Toblerone from airport: a classic!
Third: I can't stand the heat anymore.
I'm a cold guy.
Fourth: Le Mangueise (I think it's written like this but not positive) it's by far the coolest place I've had the luck to visit and, as a plus, I made new awesome friends there.
In conclusion, if I was (and still am) not exactly in my element for various reasons (height, weather, culture, etc) this was the most thrilling and mindblowing trip I've ever taken and I guess it will keep the title for quite a long time.

Thanks everyone.

Sir Crapalot


  1. Dear Tommaso!
    maybe (and against all my principles) we should be friends on FB such as in the real life now?
    I was sad to say good bye to you, and even more than I expected... Hope to see you again in my next european life.

  2. Le Mangueise, très joli :-)

    If you want to find the place on your next trip, look for "Les Manguiers" - and let us know you're around!

  3. ehehe...i knew it sounded odd the way i wrote it XD.
    hope to see you soon guys!
    I don't want you to make a rush decision Clo, FB friendship is pretty serious business :P but i'll be honored!
